
Gay porn is so ugly
I watch straight porn
and pretend
I’m the woman

I can’t act my age

I’m so broken by tension
at four in the afternoon
I don’t know where I am

The first time I took acid
I saw the devil, big as life
But it was just a neighbour
walking his dog

I ran home and felt so foolish
I decided to open myself up
to all the evil in the universe
But it was just me
in the dark

I sat in my mother’s chair
and became my mother
with my mother’s thoughts
and feelings

My children were such an agony…

I tried to make myself throw up
but I was born again

In the morning I felt such
tenderness towards the world
I watched a Joni Mitchell
video (the one where she’s
having dinner with St. Peter)

and cried and cried

Trapeze Artist

I swing from life to life
Like a trapeze artist
And miracles come my way

The miracle of a person
A life, right in front of me
The miracle of myself, though
I’m shy about it

The miracle of you, who are reading this
I would never wish to see you
Reduced to a formula
Packaged and sold

Or beaten into a coma
And left for any stray demagogue
To pick up like trash

Or placed in a straight-jacket of logic
Or fear
And denied the right to flourish

I swing from life to life
Like a trapeze artist
And miracles come my way

Uncloudy Day

I lose the world everyday
And then, miraculously, it returns

But this can’t go on forever

My mind is no shelter
My mind is the storm

And my heart is like a ship out on mid-ocean
Rudderless and failing

I lose myself everyday
But see, I return
Always with a little less

Until there’s nothing left
But an uncloudy day

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