Leopard Step

I walked as the ghost of get down city
In all weathers, in every condition
I performed a whistle and a jig
I must admit to feeling a little uneasy
When she went down to try the laces of my shoe…

It is impossible, try as you might, to find sustanence within the established order of things
Hereby, we find it resolved with hearts and minds intact

I walked with a grinning foolish face into the days that never come
I taught my tiny creed to tiny people

One must do something between the first flickering of consciousness
and the final sundown of days

Ancient of Days

He grew wise in installments. He gave up dreaming and quit going to Jesus. Before he knew it,
a black wind had carried his thoughts to Ultima Thule

He dragged a chain of unintended consequences, forged from birth, and harried innocent soundgardens, knees shining

And to your right, on a clear day, you can still see Okanada and the dream that died
And as you turn to your left, you might still see yourself grown homely and reprehensible

He crossed desperate seas in search of one good feeling. Strapped to the mast…

I’m going out of my way to see that girl in my mind. I half-followed her until she joined the line outside a bakery. She was more beautiful with every leopard step

Published by wjwingrove97


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